School News


  • A Look Back: A Year After Neuchâtel

    The following contribution was originally published in the 1961 yearbook.  At the time, John was studying at Queen’s University.  It contains his reflections of Neuchâtel after a year’s absence in Canada.
  • Class of 2024 Valedictorian Address

  • Bryan McKenzie '91

    Getting to Know You: Members of the CAC

    We had the pleasure of sitting down with two members of the Canadian Advisory Committee (CAC), Bryan McKenzie '91 and Jess Mall '07, to chat about their experience at NJC and their involvement in volunteer work.

    Enjoy getting to know these two members of our Canadian Advisory Committee.
  • Captain JE Reynolds at Juno beach

    Normandy: Where History Comes Alive

    During the Second World War, the D-Day landings on the Normandy Beaches under the code name “Operation Neptune” began the lengthy battle of Normandy, which eventually resulted in the liberation of Paris. Canadian forces landed at Juno Beach to face heavy artillery, suffering 50 percent casualties on the first wave. By the end of D-Day, a total of 30,000 Canadians had been successfully landed, and the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division had penetrated further into France than any other Allied force.

    In 2003, the Juno Beach Centre opened to memorialize the contributions and sacrifices of Canadian soldiers during the liberation of Europe. NJC students gain a first-hand appreciation for this important period in Canada's history during this academic trip to Normandy.

    Read more below from Mr. Reynold's experience at Juno Beach, and his connection to our Canadian forces. 
  • She Shoots! She Scores!

  • Mary Ann on gondola

    A Look Back: Italy '61

  • Sarah Morgenstern '85, Chair of Advancement & Alumni Committee

    Getting to Know You: Members of the CAC

    We recently sat down to chat with two members of the Canadian Advisory Committee (CAC), Michael Hobart PP '15, Chair of the Governance Committee and Sarah Morgenstern '85, Chair of the Advancement & Alumni Committee to chat with them about their experience at NJC and their involvement in volunteer work.

    Enjoy getting to know these two members of our Canadian Advisory Committee.

    *PP is Past Parent
  • Blenheim Palace, Sept. 6, 1985. We’d met less than a week before at the airport in Toronto, but these are the faces of kids who had formed friendships that would last lifetimes.  I don’t know who took the photo — it obviously wasn’t me, because I’m in it — but it is in my photo album. From left, Kelly Parr, Kerry Dunseath, Lianna Titcombe, Yvonne Dixon, Drew Hasselback (me), Kim Hanna, Penny Lowe.

    A Look Back: Video or It Didn't Happen

    Drew Hasselback '86, is a lawyer and journalist in Toronto. He has worked for The National Post, The Toronto Star and The Globe and Mail, and is currently with Global News. 
  • A Look Back: Zermatt '09

  • Ali and Steven 1977

    An NJC Story; Ali & Steve '78

  • Thatcher and Meg 2021

    An NJC Story; Meg & Thatcher '22

  • A Look Back: Pension Family Living

  • NJC's Distinguished Service Award Recipient

< 2024
Neuchâtel Junior College offers the unique opportunity to study Canadian curriculum abroad. While living in Switzerland in a French community, students enjoy an international education through travel and experiential learning in Europe. Gap year and Grade 12  high school students gain international experience and develop independence and life skills that prepare them for university and the global workplace.

A Canadian high school in Switzerland | Grade 12 & Gap